Nama : Drs. Abdul Basid, M.Si
NIP : 19650504 199003 1 003
Email :
Academic |
S1 Fisika |
Universitas Jember |
1988 |
S2 Fisika |
Institut Teknologi Bandung |
1997 |
Karya Dosen
Research and development projects over the last 5 years |
1. Interpretasi waktu turun lailatul qadar berdasarkan analisa data gempa bumi, meteorologi dan geofisika. Biaya: 25,000,000.00 2. Pemetaan tingkat resiko kerusakan akibat gempa bumi sebagai strategi mitigasi bencana di seluru wilaya pulau jawa sampai nusa tenggara timur berdasarkan kombinasi data peak ground acceleration, population density dan human development index. Biaya: 55,000,000.00 3. Pemetaan Tingkat Resiko Kerusakan Akibat Gempa Bumi Sebagai Strategi Mitigasi Bencana Diseluruh Wilayah Pulau Jawa Sampa Ntt Berdasarkan Kombinasi Data Peak Ground Acceleration, Population Density And Human Development Index. Tahun 2020/2021. Biaya: 55,000,000.00 |
Industry collaborations over the last 5 years |
Project title Partners |
Patents and proprietary rights |
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Year |
Important publications over the last 5 years |
1. Mapping The Risk Level of Earthquake Damage in Central Java Based on Data From PGA, PD and HDI. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Keilmuan (JPFK). 2022 Jun 23;7(2):130-8. 2. Peningkatan Kecakapan Ilmiah (Scientific Abilities) Mahasiswa Melalui Model Eksperimen Penerapan (Application Experiments). UPEJ Unnes Physics Education Journal. 2021 Nov 22;10(3):274-82. 3. The depth of pressure source and magma supply volume for Merapi eruption during 2009-2011 using the combination of Yokoyama and Mogi model, 1st International Conference on Science and Technology (ICoST). 4. Mapping risk levels of earthquake damage as disaster mitigation efforts: case studies in West Java, Central Sulawesi and Lombok, The 9th National Physics Seminar 2020, hal 1-8 5. Analysis volcano deformation for determining location of the pressure source, hypocentre and magma supply as disaster mitigation efforts: case studies in Merapi volcano, The 2nd International Conference on Physics and Mathematics for Biological Science (2nd ICOPAMBS) 2020, ser.1832, hal 1-12 6. Aplikasi Metode Geolistrik untuk Mengetahui Sebaran Batubara di Kabupaten Tulungagung Jawa Timur. Physics Education Research Journal. 2020 Feb 29;2(1):51-8. 7. Improve scientific abilities students through model development testing experiments. Jurnal Neutrino: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya. 2018 Sep 14;11(1):32-40. 8. Interpretation of coal potention using ground penetrating radar (gpr) method. Jurnal Neutrino: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya. 2017;10(1):23-7. |
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years |
Organisation |
Role |
Period |
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned |